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The overall picture

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The collection of indicators is still under development and, for most major habitat types, insufficient to form a comprehensive picture. Currently, the collection of indicators particularly emphasizes systematic, openly available monitoring data. As the collection develops and the coverage of different habitats improves, the overall picture will become clearer.

The overall picture is still forming

As of the publication date, October 30, 2023, there are a total of 15 indicators in the Luonnontila collection, of which the status and development have been determined for 13. Of these, currently only seven haven been translated into English. The initial set of indicators highlight the systematic species monitoring efforts, particularly in bird monitoring development, and assessments of the protection levels for species listed in the annexes of the European Union’s Habitats Directive. Especially the message from the latter indicators is grim, as the current comparison baseline has been set to a stringent target of favorable conservation status for all species across all evaluated habitats. Since many of the species listed in the Habitats Directive’s annexes are demanding and scarce, their conservation status often remains unfavorable.

Assessing the development of the species listed in the annexes of the Habitats Directive is also challenging because only three reports have been produced so far. Consequently, it is difficult to discern trends in the overall conservation level development using statistical models, and the status for most indicators related to this theme therefore remains “stable.” However, the current reporting period ends in 2024, so the dataset is expected to grow in the coming years.